Processed powders: milk powder and sugar
Preparation of instant dairy mix
Agribusiness group in the Island of Reunion, this company is a leader in most markets in which it operates: fresh dairy products, UHT milk, soft drinks, ice creams and traditional cheeses.
To optimize the automatic unloading of dairy powders contained in sacks and sugar contained in bulk bags (Big bag discharging - Stripping box - Easyflow EF0).
To meet the challenge of unloading different ingredient packaging types, Palamatic Process designed two separate installations: one to handle sugar (bulk bag unloader) and one to handle dairy powder (automatic bag opener - Minislit).
Sugar system:
The client wanted a re-design of the existing bulk bag unloader for the deconditioning of sugar delivered in bulk bags.
To facilitate the flow of the bulk materials, massage cylinders have been positioned on either side to exert pressure and flex the sides of the bulk bag, allowing a more effective and efficient discharge of the sugar.
Load cells have also been integrated into the bulk bag unloading station to provide better control of the unloading process. The buffer hopper was connected to the dust collector system integrated into the automatic sack unloader - Minislit®.
The powder is then transferred through a trough screw conveyor, fitted with a hinged cover, to a vibrating screener which provides quality control for the elimination of all foreign contaminants.
After the check sieve, the sugar is then fed through a rotary airlock valve under gravity flow control where it is then picked up by our vacuum conveying system.

Dairy powder system:
Milk powder is packed in small sacks that are stored on a pallet for a total weight of one ton.
The goal of our customer was to increase the ergonomics of the work station and the discharge rate of the sacks, with the goal of 6 bags per minute.
Palamatic Process designed a hydraulic lifting table for the pallets of dairy powder sacks to meet the constraints of the site's floor layout. To assist in the ergonomics of operator sack loading, a vacuum bag lifter provides the means to lift and deposit the sacks on the polyurethane belt conveyor that feeds the automatic bag opener Minislit®.
Sensors detect the entry of the sack into the auto opener, which triggers the cutting system. The saw blade cuts the bag and the lower part of the bag material is gripped by rotating discs. Thanks to the reversing disc system, the bag is turned over for a complete discharge of the contents. The bag waste is then dropped and evacuated by an integrated bag compactor. When the sensor is disabled, the blade goes back to its resting position.
The dairy powder drops into a vibrating screener - GSC 900 with a 4 mm mesh that is connected to the automatic bag opener Minislit® by a flexible sleeve. The powder then falls into a drop through rotary airlock valve to be transferred to the pneumatic conveying station.